Wednesday, October 18, 2006

ipods and french computers dont mix...

I have been trying frantically trying to put my pictures on this blog but for some reason the French computers of which I have been forced to use do not want to show the gorgeous ones. So my friends, I am afraid you will have to wait a little longer -- sorry! I am only here for a term and term here finishes in December so the pictures will be bountiful. I am off to Paris for the second term in January and hopefully things will be better then!

1° I was looking for a cultural and social experience; I wasnt naive enough to think I'd be fully integrated but I did hope for there to be interest in foreigners as the world is not an island! But I have been bitterly disappointed in terms of what has happened. I am starting to think that some people have less interest talking to me and make more of an effort with the English and German people. I am not sure if it is because of the Afro-Caribbean rivalry but I do feel invisible these days so it makes me feel dejected about trying to make the effort to talk to people.

2° Last week was a highlight because I wasnt in MQ! Went to see Mr.P in Barbados -- the best fun I have had in a long long time and new light has been shed on the Caribbean for me -- lol, it is all about the anglophone islands where people dont have a haughty attitude! Beautiful island...but when I returned to Martinique, the airport officials get so damn arsey and love to know when you are leaving their island as if you are going to clog it up or something!

3° I am currently reading this book called "Peau noire, masques blancs" (Black skin, White Masks) by Martinican luminary, Frantz Fanon. He was a doctor but just decided to start writing and what powerful writing he did - this book is controversial in its approach but eye-opening in how it discusses race relations in terms of the Black man and Black woman against the social slavery of which they are imprisoned in the Caribbean.

4° My feelings of this place are mixed...I am disappointed in many ways yet at the same time I am glad I came because my eyes have been opened so much in terms of learning about the French West Indies. I do give everything benefit of the doubt but since being here, I have become like vapour, invisible to the naked eye. Does that make me sound melodramatic ? maybe...but I know different -- it is difficult here in terms of integrating and every day feels like a struggle. I feel like no one wants to talk to me. I am even wondering why I am here since I get asked frequently "Whats an African girl doing in the Caribbean?" with sly looks...And to be honest, I do not know anymore...
