Sunday, August 27, 2006's almost here

The accomodation office at the university I am going to be going to still hasn't got back to me. Imagine you are wrapped blindfolded and you are made to walk towards your firing squad as opposed to them aiming their barrels at you -- that is exactly what if feels like. I have written numerous emails and sent them everything yet in return, I just receive annoying Bank statements and not that confirmation - it might as well be the Grail to me. My worst case scenario is arriving there and going to the accomodation office and me being turned away! If they do that, I will buy my first ticket to the land of rejected exchange students.

I am going to London tomorrow to try and fix the big messes I am in and I'm flying to Paris then Martinique (hopefully) on the last day of August (why is there NOT a direct flight from London? British Airways, get on it or I'll write to Mr.Branson). This is most likely going to be my last post until I reach the capital of Martinique, Fort-de-France so wish me luck! I'll be updating the blog as soon as I get my hands on Internet (and it sure won't be the French version called Minitel!)
