Thursday, August 24, 2006

I better integrate!

I have returned back to the hills of Bristol and England's dripping weather after a cool fortnight in Kenya & Tanzania (btw, the weather there was gorgeous!). But there is trouble brewing here and it is has everything 2 do with Martinique > I still haven't got a visa and like Tacha, I have a severe case of cold feet. I just feel so...unsure. Throwing yourself in a foreign country where you don't speak the language or know the customs is scary > what if I committ a serious faux pas and everyone anoints me as the social outcast?

Lol, okay, so I am being slightly melodramatic but I am real worried. Martinique is 6000kms from Europe and will take 12 hrs from London to reach >> those beaches better make me melt! I was told by a certain someone that the people in Martinique are known 2 be slighly unfriendly. The Panther tells me that Caribbean people are friendly though and it is a generalisation 2 assume all people are horrible etc. But on the whole, even if you live abroad or the country of your birth, is it just me or does anyone see how unfriendly as a human race we are?

Sometimes when I go into a shop with friends or family, deep looks from certain people in there just make the atmosphere a bit too intense> it is a place of commerce, not a changing room! Why do we immediately assume that someone we don't know deserves a death-stare instead of a smile?

I am not saying all Martinicans will be unfriendly but I am the kind of person who will be nice 2 anyone who is nice 2 me and I'll make an effort 2 chat 2 people but none of this running around after people rubbish. That is when people think they can steam-roll over you and I am sure not being flattened. for NO ONE.

On an even scarier note, the accomodation office said that we will only be given temporary accomodation before we have to find our own flat there. We can only stay in the temp accomo for 3 days or so! It is going to be disorientating but a challenge and the latter is good for character building (*rolls eyes at herself - i sound like a pseudo-motivational speaker - ignore me*). I just hope we are given nice rooms, not plush like something Nicole Richie is used to but you know, something to live in! All those tortured artists can do with living in dumps but I sure as hell am not counterfeit to pretend that I dont like the feel of hot water!
